Everyone loves a good scare, just think of the last time you experienced a solid jump scare — leaving you with your heart racing and palms sweating! If you miss this kind of excitement, GOG is ready to bring it back with two horror-themed announcements today!

14 October 2022

Our anniversary party is coming to an end – this doesn't mean we’re holding off with great offers. We’re all about classics, so make sure you check out new releases such as Hover Ace, RC Cars or Meat Puppet. And speaking of classics, we are once again collaborating with ...

6 October 2022

News in Polish
Lato zmierza ku końcowi (przynajmniej w naszej hemisferze), co nastręcza myśli o tym, że wszystko jest tymczasowe. To jednak niekoniecznie musi oznaczać coś złego. Mamy coś specjalnego, co podniesie Was na duchu.

23 September 2022

Summer is coming to an end (at least in this Hemisphere) which brings us to the feeling that all good things are temporary. But it doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing. We have something special to cheer you up a little bit.

23 September 2022


2 September 2022

News in Polish

29 August 2022


29 August 2022


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